DBAPI and install psycopg2

3 min readApr 12, 2021

¡Noted: Self-taught notes. 學習筆記!

Chapter 2.2.17 — DBAPI and psycopg2


We will sometimes want to interact with our database and use its results in a specific programming language. E.g. to build web applications or data pipelines in a specific language (Ruby, Python, Javascript, etc.). That’s where DBAPIs come in.


-rovides a standard interface for one programming language (like Python) to talk to a relational database server.

-Is a low level library for writing SQL statements that connect to a database

-is also known as database adapters

  • Different DBAPIs exist for every server framework or language + database system

-Database adapters define a standard for using a database (with SQL) and using the results of database queries as input data in the given language.

-Turn a selected SELECT * from some_table; list of rows into an array of objects in Javascript for say a NodeJS adapter; or a list of tuples in Python for a Python adapter.

Examples across languages and server frameworks

  • For Ruby (e.g. for Sinatra, Ruby on Rails): pg
  • For NodeJS: node-postgres
  • For Python (e.g. for Flask, Django): pyscopg2

Install psycopg2

We will install pysocpg2 and use it to establish a connection to our postgres server, and interact with it in python.

psycopg2 installation steps

Follow the psycopg2 install instructions found here.

Install Tips:

· Make sure you have Python 3 version between 3.4 to 3.7. You can find out with

$ python --version

· Use the latest pip version: $ pip3 install -U pip

· Replace X.Y in the export PATH... line with the version of Postgres you are using. Find out with $ postgres -V. E.g.:

$ postgres -V
postgres (PostgreSQL) 10.2

If the version is 10.2, then replace the X.Y in the export PATH line with 10.2:

In ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc, we should add:

export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/10.2/bin/:$PATH

· To export and add things to your PATH, add the export PATH=.... line to either ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile on your machine, e.g. with vim:

$ vim ~/.bashrc`
# or
$ vim ~/.bash_profile

where you can use :w, :wq vim commands to edit your bash file and add the export PATH=... line somewhere. (See also: Vim tutorial

· When you are done editing your bash profile, be sure to run source ~./bash_profile or source ~/.bashrc on your edited file, so your terminal session can grab the latest profile changes.

· After editing your bash profile, you are ready to run the install step:

$ pip install pyscopg2

· A prerequisite for psycopg2 is OpenSSL. If you try installing and run into error ld: library not found for -lssl, then install openssl first.

— On homebrew (for macOS or Linux): run brew install openssl (or sudo brew install openssl)

— Otherwise, you can visit the OpenSSL Downloads page to download OpenSSL for your machine.

— Add the LIBRARY_PATH to your bash profile:

export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/

Don’t forget to run source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.profile when done.

  • If the regular install doesn’t work, you can also just install the binary version instead:
pip install psycopg2-binary

which replaces the need to run pip install pyscopg2

Install troubleshooting threads:

— For error Failed building wheel for psycopg2: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34304833/failed-building-wheel-for-psycopg2-macosx-using-virtualenv-and-pip

— For error pg_config executable not found: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11618898/pg-config-executable-not-foundo

Hand on:


Udacity-Full Stack Web Developer


— The End —

Published on 2021/04/12 & Last edited on 2021/04/12

